Sidmouth’s Riverside Walkway Revitalised project has been running for two years and is a collaborative improvement project between several local groups. The project aimed to revitalise the space and bring attention to the history of the area and the biodiversity of the river, which has resulted in a huge amount of community participation led by Artist Printmaker, Emma Molony.

The project’s design draws from the natural environment and heritage of the area through art, planting and information. It has been funded by Sidmouth Town Council, with additional support from Arts Council England, the Sid Vale Association (via the Keith Owen Fund), the Arts Society Sidmouth and Devon County Council. Recently, the Sid Vale Association met with the Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub, project leads in partnership with Sidmouth School of Art, to present a cheque for their contribution to this community initiative.

The award for £10,000 was presented by Liz Warren, SVA Secretary, and project relationship manager for Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub. Ed Dolphin, of the Sid Valley Biodiversity Group and Nigel Hymen, of Sid Vale Association and Sidmouth Museum, the project’s biodiversity and heritage advisors to the project, attended along with Coco Hodgkinson, Artistic Director, and Louise Cole, Project Manager.

Liz Warren said: “We are delighted with the transformation that Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub and their partners have made to the Riverside Walk. For several years, it had been a neglected and sad looking walkway, but it now has colourful story boards, planting areas, decorated benches and several brass rubbings. Well done to everyone involved! And if you are very lucky, you may even get to see the otter!”

Thanks to local and national funders, including Sidmouth Town Council, National Landscapes (formerly AONBs), the Sidmouth Arts Society and Arts Council England, the riverside walkway has had new railings, bat friendly lighting, new benches and planters, new wayfinding signage, a brass rubbing trail and provides a new outdoor gallery, exploring historic and contemporary themes.

Ceri Johnson, Relationship Manager for Arts Council England, said: “We’re proud to invest in Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub and their efforts to connect the public with nature. Through local partnerships, they’ve placed Sidmouth’s community at the heart of placemaking, ensuring all ages, backgrounds and abilities can come together and create change. I can’t wait to see what they do next!”

Louise Cole, Director at the Sidmouth Coastal Community Hub, said: “Without the investment from all the funders, the project would not have been possible. It shows what can be done with so much support from many quarters to improve very special areas in Sidmouth for the benefit of all. We hope people of all ages enjoy this creative space connected to nature for a long time to come.”

The new gallery features an introductory board and 11 artboards, each telling a story from Triassic to today. The stories are highlighting through art and printmaking, woven together through graphic design and each has a QR code to find out more detailed information.