Other Opportunities
There are a full range of options to showcase your business to members with Visit Devon. In addition to the traditional membership packages, which include a listing on the Visit Devon consumer or business websites, you can also appear in regularly printed material or take advantage of online marketing including website banners, MPUs or inclusion in our digital communications including newsletters.
Additional online advertising
Some of our membership packages include online advertising at no extra cost as part of the package, these adverts include MPUs on the website and inclusion in our monthly newsletters.
You are welcome to take out additional advertising online by booking a banner advert on the VisitDevon homepage or on specific pages which feature a call to action and your own branding and weblinks. Alternatively, you can book an MPU space or feature in one of the main navigational tiles on the homepage. Make sure to speak to your account manager regarding availability.
Slots are also available within the monthly B2B and B2C newsletters which can potentially widen your customer base further. From adverts to give aways to features, there are several ways to be included, speak to your account manager for more details.
Guest blogs and PR are also available on the Visit Devon main site and the trade site.
Print advertising
The annual Visit Devon Guide is dedicated to supporting tourism, hospitality and leisure across Devon. 45,000 copies are printed and distributed annually, with copies being available in motorway services stations, supermarkets and TIC's. A variety of advert sizes are available, including premium spaces.
You can find the latest prices and availability by speaking to your account manager.