The Science Festival is back for 2021, taking place from 8th October until 17th October. It is hoped that organisers can put on as normal a festival as possible, returning to in person events after having to take the festival online last year.

A number of events and workshops will be taking place throughout the festival at venues across the town, with all venues keeping Covid measures in place so that we can all have a safe and fun time.

Some of the activities that will be taking place are:


Soil: A corner stone of life, 8th October, 2.30pm

Treasure hunt with What3Words, 9th October, 11 am

Gold Panning, 9th October, 11 am

Fossil handling, 9th October, 11 am

Plants in Space, 10th October, 3pm

The Science of Sleep with Deborah Pierce, 13th October, 2pm

Robot workshop, 16th October, 10.30 am


Find a whole host more events, plus information about the venue and more details online here.

Sidmouth Science Festival is an annual event that has taken place since 2012 when it initially started as a weekend event. Now it is a 10 day festival with workshops and activities aimed at all ages and abilities with everything from talks with top experts to arts and crafts activities. The majority of the events are free to attend.

Not sure you can attend this year’s event? Don’t worry, the team hold science activities throughout the year with a monthly Café Scientifique and other events. Check the website for the latest dates.