Exmoor’s Holnicote Estate has announced that a six week old beaver kit has been spotted on the grounds following the reintroduction of an adult pair last year. It is the first time that a beaver has been born on Exmoor for 400 years.
Camera footage shows the kit swimming to the beaver lodge with its mother in a large enclosure on the Holnicote Estate, which is managed by the National Trust, where two beavers were released for the first time in the Trust’s 125 year history in January of 2020. The semi aquatic creatures have been reintroduced to various parts of the UK because of their ability to manage ecosystems and were released on the estate to reduce flooding and increase biodiversity. Since being introduced, a range of wildlife has been spotted including sparrow hawks, moorhens and kingfishers and they have transformed their enclosure from unmanaged woodland into a diverse wetland that continues to attract other wildlife, including otters. Beavers naturally create their own dens which slows the flow of water. They also make use of wooded areas, felling trees which creates more light allowing a wider range of flowers and plants to grow.
Now that a beaver kit has been confirmed, the National Trust is calling out for suggestions for a name for the new arrival. You can send your suggestions to them by following the Holnicote Estate on social media.