The SWVEHub is now live and ready for you to sign up and get started on your journey to better understanding your local destination. 

From the South West Visitor Economy Hub newsletter dated 8th July 2024. 

On 18th June, we met with the first group of businesses in Exmouth to welcoe them to the Vistor Economy Hub community. This event was swiftly followed by two webinars later that week and sign up requests are still rolling in. 

All direct tourism businesses in Devon and Somerset are entitled to free access to the hub to confidentially share top line data, view the aggregated figures for their sector and explore the further insights available. 

With this level of analysis at your fingertips, engaged businesses will be abel to better plan for upcoming events, understand the demographics of their visitors and target marketing more effectively. It's also essential for understanding, in real time, whether your business performance is following the trends of those around you or bucking them! 

Further sign up events will be hosted in the Autumn via regional DMOs so look out for these or get in touch with your local Membership Manager to see when we'll be in your destination. 


To view the latest webinar, please head to and learn more about the system. 

Have you downloaded the app yet? it is now live and available in the App Store and the Play Store. It has been designed to make engagement with the system quick and easy. Once logged in, you can receive reminders and updates from the system, letting you know about the latest destination data trends, 

To use the app, you'll need to request access to the system if you haven't already. Simply email and provide your business name, type and postcode in the body of your email.