Like many places in the West Country, Devonians have some very unique words for every day objects – for instance, who can stand an apple drain ruining your picnic? Why not brush up on your Devonshire lingo and impress the locals next time you visit?
A is for…. Angletwitch (a fidgety child)
B is for Back se fore (back to front)
C is for Cawtch (a mess)
D is for Drumbeldrone (a bee)
E is for Elfs (tool handles)
F is for Flass (wool)
G is for God’s Cow (ladybird)
H is for Hollee (to shout loudly)
I is for Idden (is not)
J is for Jibber (a stubborn horse)
K is for Kiffy (a left handed person)
L is for Lent Rosums (daffodils)
M is for Maze as a brush (being silly)
N is for No Nort (not having much sense)
O is for Oodwail ( a green woodpecker)
P is for Palsh (slow walking)
Q is for Querking (grunting)
R is for Rimy (damp and cold)
S is for Snishums (sneezing)
T is for Tea Drinkers (a comfy pair of boots)
U is for Umby (later in the evening)
V is for Vitty (a job well done)
W is for Witpot (nonsense)
Y is for Yawning (lambing time)
Z is for Zummit (something)
How many of these did you know?