Next month is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and there are loads of events planned to help us all celebrate along with Queen Elizabeth. We’ve compiled a list of some of the things you can expect to find in Devon over the Jubilee weekend, so you can get them added to your diaries!

You can find out more about Queen Elizabeth and her life at Torre Abbey on the run up to the Jubilee from 17th May. This photographic exhibition includes a look back on the queen’s visits to Torre Abbey during her Silver Jubilee in 1977 – so is a good way to lead you into the celebrations!

In the historic village of Clovelly, which was once owned by the royal family, there is an entire weekend of fun planned for the Jubilee including live music and entertainment all in the historic harbour. Find out more here.

RHS Rosemoor in North Devon is another place where you can find a Jubilee Party for the weekend. There will be brass bands located throughout the gardens and there will be special catering available throughout the weekend.

For the kids there is a special Jubilee Week taking place at Bear Town. Kids are invited to join the mission to locate the missing jewels and those that manage it get an award! Find out more here.

Another option for the whole family is River Dart Country Park’s Picnic at the Park, the summer’s biggest family picnic with a fantastic line up of unmissable family activities and displays. There’s everything from a dog show, sport displays, dinosaurs and more.

South Devon Railway are also getting in on the action with their Platinum Jubilee Steam and Garden Party, which even includes a beer festival! Visit their website to find out more.

Coldharbour Mill are also holding a Steam Day, this regular event is being paired with the Jubilee Celebration for this year. The event will take place on 5th June and will include a tour of the steam powered textile factory, a chance to make your own bunting and to plant a tree in the wildlife meadow as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.

At Pecorama there is a celebration of steam with all their BHLR Locomotives. Trains will be running all day and your tickets includes unlimited rides! Find out more here.

Elsewhere in the county, you can enjoy the English Riviera Airshow and Jubilee Weekend in the Torbay to kickstart the UK’s Airshow season. As well as the airshow, there will also be a Music on the Meadows performance and a Jubilee Flotilla and the lighting of the beacons to enjoy. Find out more about the Music on the Meadows line up here. You can catch the beacons across South Devon at Corbyn Head, Daddyhole, Sholestone Pool and Berry Head.

In the town of Sidmouth, which was once the home of Queen Elizabeth’s great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, who she has over taken as the longest reigning British monarch there is a street party taking place on 2nd June with entertainment from the Sidmouth Town Band, a community sing along and Data Disco with DJ Pete Newman. Find out more here.

Another street party to enjoy is taking place in Exeter's high street. Find out more here.